The magic basil oil

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Magical Basil Oil BIOPROGREEN

Product 100 Percent Pure and Natural Basil Essential Oil
Origin Morocco
Quantity Wholesale and semi wholesale available
Certification Organic and Premium Quality

Discover BIOPROGREENs Magical Basil Oil

Our basil essential oil is renowned for its exceptional properties

Relaxing and Soothing Ideal for relieving stress and fatigue
Digestive and Tonic Promotes healthy digestion and general well being
Antibacterial and Antiseptic A key ingredient for cosmetics and aromatherapy
Fresh and Revitalizing Scent A great asset for perfumery and wellness care

Special Offer for Professionals We offer competitive prices for bulk orders

Interested Contact us now for a personalized quote and samples

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Dernière visite le : 04/03 à 20:15

Référence : 75151