Borage Vegetable Oil

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Détail de l'annonce

A rather unconventional oil, Borage Oil makes a wonderful selection to go for when you want to engage with an effective and easy herb that is great for the body. This makes a fine choice for stores that are looking to introduce something more exotic, with this plant stemming from places from all over the world. It’s star shape gives it a unique look, and the Borage Oil that we can extract from it makes a wonderful gift for your business to offer to its clients.

N°200 Lot Elmassar,Zone industrielle SidiGhanem
Route de Safi
40 000 Marrakech,

Tel: +212524355671
MOB : +212664511976
Fax: +212524457961

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Dernière visite le : 21/02 à 05:19

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